Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's ramblings

I am maintaining a low profile this New Year's Day mainly because I am trying to fight off a cold I acquired from "somewhere" over the past holiday week. So as I sit here drinking my hot toddy and finishing off some leftover raw veggies from last night's New Year's Eve non-party, I am filled with mindless ramblings about resolutions, bowl games and the disgusted thought about going back to work tomorrow after being off the last 9 days.

As for resolutions......there is only one and that is to get back to the South Beach diet plan and continue to move gaily forward with the weight loss. The holiday season.....since Thanksgiving....was too kind to me and the scale is showing it. La la la la la.....nuts and meats for me!

The bowl game menu today is quite extensive with the variety of bowl games. I'm not really cheering for one particular team over the over so as my hot toddy's increase deep into the afternoon, I will miss nothing. I am puzzled about one team's collapse into this bowl season. I will reach out to my friend Susan to assist me in understanding how the Seminoles could lose so many players for one bowl game. (30?) I saw Coach Bobby Bowden on television over the weekend and he really didn't appear to explain it well either. In fact, it looks like he found out when everyone else did. I will have to read up on it a bit more but I think it surrounds academic cheating. Methinks that FSU is not the only school who have athletes who cheat. I am just wondering if the NCAA needed to make an example of someone so FSU was the lucky winner.

And finally, like many of you, I have to go back to work tomorrow. What?? No cheers or exaltation's of joy??!! Yeah ok. I am hoping for a fresh 2008. New things to do....new challenges.....new direction! I need something new to pursue.......to devour......that will expand my growth potential. Energy is being wasted here and this is not productive for this competitive, highly organized woman.

Ok......my toddy cup is empty now. Time for more fluids. I am going to creep back to my favorite chair, cover myself with a blanket and provide a warm nesting spot for one of my two cats.

Happy New Year!



Unknown said...


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Happy New Year

drowning pisces said...

Happy New Year to you both!

Here's to all the things you hope for... ching ching!