Wednesday, September 05, 2007

^&*%$#@*&? Let's try...

... yet another course of physical therapy.

Thanks doc. But when will it stop hurting????

Like many of us 'of a certain age' I have a bad knee.

When I finally went back to the ortho a year and half or so after my last round of PT I thought for sure there'd be a magic pill/shot/outpatient surgery solution looming. Nada. Back to PT for another month to strengthen some muscle group I can't pronounce. Then we'll do another MRI and take it from there.

My slightly to considerably more athletic friends are laughing at my wincing and moaning, I'm sure. They wear their hard-earned knee/wrist scars with pride, sharing memories of the popping sound when they slid into second at every opportunity. This isn't an injury I've earned -- in fact, it's probably just wear and tear. Somewhat surprising since I didn't spend my youth and then some running up and down a court or sliding into bases. I did fall/jump/get tossed off of a good number of horses. And I've tripped and slipped on ice, sidewalk cracks and perfectly dry floors on and off for years. But that should add up a bad back, not chronic knee pain.

It's de-motivating. Why keep my self-imposed commitment to exercise more regularly when I know I'm going to spend the next day with an ice pack, popping OTC pain relievers and dreading the next trip down the stairs to take the dog outside.

What's really bugging me is the suspicion that the doc would be much more concerned about mending the 'slightly' torn meni-something and getting rid of the junk floating around in there if I was a serious athlete. Or even a not-so-serious MAN who spent his Saturdays on the golf course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is that really your knee?