Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes today is the day!

As some of you may know, Thanksgiving Day has always been a huge cooking day for me. This was my big day to prepare a feast for my family! This year I came to the decision that with my recent loss of my brother Paul that I just could not bring myself to prepare "the feast" with the same fervor as past years. So where does that leave me?

It leaves me assisting Lyn with her turkey day preparations of course! She is heading north as we speak to eat with her family with turkey in the trunk and a fabulous container of Cranberry Pomegranate sauce! The cranberry sauce was my contribution. I must tell you that I was sorely tempted to add a little vodka to the mixture since the sauce sounded more like a martini. What a surprise that would have been to a Baptist family! It turned out remarkably well despite the big mess it left in Lyn's kitchen. I will likely make it again when I cook for my friends on 12/14 and will be a spiked sauce!

Tonight I am heading out to the outlet mall at midnight to get a little Christmas shopping done. opens at midnight and it is packed with people! It is very fun and if an outlet store is open near you at midnight tonight I highly recommend that you go. What else are you doing tonight besides nursing a food coma?

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. This day probably has more meaning for me than any other for I am profoundly thankful for all of my friends and family that have been hovering close by for the last 6 weeks. If I could name them all here I would but then I would miss most of this day!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Me. Here. Right now. said...

Happy day R. Hope your shopping isn't too onerous and that you have a great meal.

Martini Cartwheels said...

Hope you had a good day and a productive shopping trip. I found the Cranberry Pomegranate sauce interesting - yes, it reminds me of a martini too. I'm not brave enough to try and make that - I know I would create twice the mess!