Sunday, November 02, 2008

Here I am

In case you all thought I have vanished into thin air I thought I would check in to prove that this blog is still very much an active thing for me!

In the last few weeks I have been dealing with a very sad family issue. I lost my brother Paul on October 16th at the young age of 40. I'm not going to get into many details but it was an accident that didn't need to happen. It took a very funny, charming and well mannered man from my life and the life of my parents. Lots of great things have been said about him over the last few weeks and the outpouring of support from people I have never met (at his funeral) was overwhelming.

We have been left shocked and dismayed by this loss and are taking things one day at a time. I have watched my mother exude a personal inner strength that I would have never imagined she would have during a time such as this. I have to believe that he is in a better place and that provides me and my family with great comfort during this time.

I have been back to work for the last two weeks and it has helped to preoccupy my mind and renew my spirit. It is nice to be able to come back to the blog and write a few things again.

It is time to regroup and learn to adjust to the "new normal" in my life. There will be good days and bad days but I know that while my mind and heart will not forget in time I will learn to reconcile with it as I move forward.


Me. Here. Right now. said...

Rita, I'm so sorry. So, so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

one day at a time:)

glad you're bloggin' again.

Landlady of Fat said...

I'm so sorry. :(

Martini Cartwheels said...

Very, very sorry for your loss Rita. My sympathies to you and your family.